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RD/SPS/106 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on approval procedures - Tuesday, 5 November 2019 - Desafíos asociados con los enfoques para aprobaciones en biotecnología 12/11/2019 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/107 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on approval procedures - Tuesday, 5 November 2019 - Costs of regulatory asynchrony on trade and innovation 12/11/2019 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/108 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on approval procedures - Tuesday, 5 November 2019 - Recent applications for trade facilitation in Turkey 12/11/2019 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/109 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on approval procedures - Tuesday, 5 November 2019 - Impacts of biotechnology and MRL approval processes on the international trade of grain 12/11/2019 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/11 Secretaría de la OMC Documento de sala no oficial - Informal SPS Committee meetings, 21 March 2017 - Trade Facilitation Agreement - Transparency provisions - WTO Secretariat 31/03/2017 Transparencia; Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/110 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on approval procedures - Tuesday, 5 November 2019 - Safeguarding innovation and improving food security - A grower's perspective from Argentina 12/11/2019 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/111 Secretaría de la OMC Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee - Ad referendum adoption of decisions, reports and other documents 29/05/2020 Transparencia; Zonas libres de plagas o enfermedades / Regionalización; Equivalencia; Normas internacionales/armonización; Nota; Documento de sala; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/112 Secretaría de la OMC Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee information sharing session on Covid-19 - Wednesday, 24 June 2020 - Covid-19 and world trade - Isabel Calderón 14/07/2020 COVID-19 SPS; Transparencia; Adopc./public./entrada en vigor del reglamento; Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/113 Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee information sharing session on Covid-19 - Wednesday, 24 June 2020 - Covid-19 : World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) actions - Keith Hamilton 14/07/2020 Sanidad animal; COVID-19 SPS; Asistencia técnica; Normas internacionales/armonización; Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/114 Secretaría de la OMC Documento de sala no oficial - Actualización sobre preocupaciones comerciales específicas - Preocupaciones comerciales específicas resueltas o parcialmente resueltas 29/10/2020 Preocupaciones comerciales específicas (PCE); Nota; Documento de sala; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/115 Comisión Mixta FAO/OMC del Codex Alimentarius (Codex) Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Relevant work of Codex on the use of voluntary third-party assurance - Gracia Brisco 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/116 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - A perspective from the United Kingdom and an update on the Codex "Draft principles and guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary third-party assurance" - Steve Wearne 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/117 Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria de la FAO Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Relevant work of IPPC in the area - Brent Larson 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/118 Belice Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Voluntary third-party assurance programmes : pilot project in Belize - Delilah Cabb 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/119 Egipto Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - NFSA's modernization of Egypt's food import control system - Hussein Mansour 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/12 Secretaría de la OMC omité de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias - Documento de sala no oficial - Informal SPS Committee meetings, 21 March 2017 - ePing SPS/TBT notification alert system - Using ePing's "file sharing" function to disseminate unofficial translations - WTO Secretariat 31/03/2017 Transparencia; Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/120 Canadá Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Canada's experiences with the consideration of voluntary third-party assurance programmes as part of our national food safety control systems - Emma Pagotto 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/121 Unión Europea Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Consideration of private assurance schemes in official controls : various approaches in Europe - Dr Peter Wend 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/122 Estados Unidos de América Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - Use of voluntary third-party assurances in US FDA SPS control system - Jennifer Thomas 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es
RD/SPS/123 Documento de sala no oficial - SPS Committee thematic session on voluntary third-party assurance as part of national SPS control systems, 3 November 2020 - GFSI benchmarking - Anne Gerardi 11/11/2020 Documento de sala; Presentación; Carácter reservado En Fr Es

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